Friday, August 3, 2012

You look good but do you feel good? Soul Check

   Feeling good on the inside is better then just looking good on the outside. The problem with people  today is that they worry about looks more then souls. They worry about how good they look everyday but not how good they feel.  they worry about how many people think they are fine instead of how many people thing they are a good person. They worry about how good their mate is instead of how good their mate makes them feel. People worry about what club the hottest chics/niggas  hit  instead of what church that hot chic or  that find dude attends. People will spend all of their money to pay for a wedding instead of saving all of that money to enjoy their marriage. Let me give you an analogy... If you buy a Benz with a bad  engine  you can hook up BEATS in the sound systems, throw DVDS in every head rest, have wood grain every where  and slap some 20's with BZO Sprewells on it that car will not last long because the engine will fade quick.  And when it does you either have to pay a ton of money to get a new engine or your stuck with an expensive good looking car that sits there and makes you mad every time you see it!    We've all been this kind of person the key is are you still this person or are you on a mission to make a change.  Looks fade but a persons spirit is eternal! #themaninthemirror 

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