My Favorite quote that I say to myself every day:Good morning beautiful.. someone out there is depending on your downfall.. make it your business to disappoint them today."
I look back and think about how many times I had tHe nerve to ask God Help me one minute but continue to do everything I wanted to do without including God in anything except my prayers! THe problem wasn’t that God was not doing His part.The problem was I wasn’t doing my part.Job 22:21 says “Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you” ……. James 4:7 says “So humble yourslef before God. Resist the devil, and He will flee from you”. Now it is written in black and white that if we do submit to God’s will He will take care of everything so why is that we can’t seem to do this one thing even though we know this is the one road to TRUE peace and happiness yet we claim to have faith?? Praying to God for Help without submitting to Him and following His word is not going to get results. That is on part of the process. We won’t instant gratifications instead of putting in any work. That is not the way things work so when we go to Him in prayer we should have already made the choice to have faith in God to handle the situation no matter what the situation is. Then after we pray to Him we need to let go and let God instead of getting in His way and trying to fix things our own way. Clearly our own way is not working to well so far so why not give God a chance?We need to submit to His will and follow His lead no matter what His will may be! Half the time when we do pray to God for Help we don’t even truly have faith that He will help us in the first place but we do it because it’s our “last resort” and we hope that He will deliver that miracle! But if things don’t happen when and how we want them to we begin to doubt Him even more. We start to blame God for not loving us or blame ourselves for not being good enough to deserve God’s blessings or we just think God has forgotten about us. Let me be the first to tell you that you are hindering your own progress!God is not the issue we are! You cannot pray to God to bless you with rent money and then go out and start selling dope, strippin, stealing, trickn and scheming for rent money and expect for God to still bless you. If you believe in Him you will pray to Him and then listen for His instructions and we all know God didn’t say go get a brick and sell it in the hood so you can get that rent money so when you get caught up and put in jail, shot up or killed out here trying to get this rent money don’t blame God because you didn’t give Him a chance to do His work because you never submitted to His will! By doing your own thing you have shown God you have no true faith in Him and you have allowed the devil to wreak more havoc in your life which means God has to come in and clean up the mess you just made in order to go back and clean up your original mess which does nothing good but only delays your blessings.
Don’t get it twisted I do not believe that God expects for us to be SAINTS!Adam and Eve proved that it’s not possible to be a total SAINT your entire life. But I do believe that God wants us to choose him more times than not.Now “religious” folks may preach to that you have to be a Saint in order to make it to through the pearly gates but that’s just not true. A true Child of GOD knows that all you need is a true relationship with God on a continuous basis and everything else will fall into place even if you are not a SAINT! When you begin to submit you will strengthen your personal relationship with God and that is how we can live in peace and happiness in this crazy world and ultimately get to the BIG PRIZE your place in HEAVAN! Submission is the key. That is where the journey begins.You have to submit to Him more times then you submit to the flesh, or submit to peer pressure or submit to anger, or submit to fear, or submit to temptation etc….. If you just start submitting to His will more and more each day you will see the change in your situations!! I 100% guarantee this. Even if you’re going through a storm worse than Hurricane Katrina you will see a brighter day real soon but only if you work on submitting to His will! It is so much easier than you make it out to be! We make things so much harder for ourselves most of the time. God’s blessings are priceless so why do we think we can get them without any effort?? If you want a priceless life then you have to submit to God and He will deliver!
I always give money to the people on the streets. If I have change, a few singles etc...I give that all the time! I pride myself on giving to people because it’s the “right” thing to do. But this morning I had a self check moment! I was coming off the freeway downtown and this man was standing there with a sign and I was a few cars back sitting at a red light. So i started to look through my purse for a $1 or 2 but I had no singles just two 20’s and I didn't see any loose change so I zipped my purse up and said to myself I will get him next time. I had my music blasting (JJ Harriston , After This ) feeling real good!! Then God said to me “So you can only help somebody with a few dollars”??? So I asked myself am I doing the right thing or the GODLY thing?? I immediately opened up my purse pulled one of those twenty's and gave it that man. I felt so good with myself so I turned the volume to MAX and enjoyed the rest of my drive to work with a bigger smile on my face!!! Now don’t get it twisted I am not rich by far. I get my OT hustle on a regular basis to keep things going in my world and that wasn't extra money either. Now, I did want that $20’s to take care of something but he needed it more than me so I gave up my want for someone elses need! Think about it do you really give everything that you can or just the bare minimum?
Message!! YOUR mate CANNOT be TAKEN unless they WANT to be TOOK! so stop focusing on the person you THINK is trying to take your mate and start focusing on YOUR mate! If someone comes at YOUR mate then YOUR mate should shut it down. The question you should ask urself is why don't u trust the person you choose to give ur heart too? Ijs ...... what are your views?
I know that no one wants to feel pain but sometimes the pain is only the beginning of your healing!! Don’t run from healing pain because if you don’t allow God to walk you through that pain then you will never be able to enjoy JOY! The pain is only the beginning of your spiritual Resurrection!! The pain is only the beginning of your turn around!! For the majority of us we don't run to God unless we are going through a lot of pain. We tend to wait until the last minute to seek out the Lord. It’s sad that we wait until we are on the ropes to turn to God but that is what most of us do so it is what it is. Let’s just focus on how to use your pain to find your joy! I know that sounds crazy but true joy is just a step away from true pain. The problem is we tend to take steps backwards and/or sideways when we are going through a hard time instead of stepping forward! It is so easy to fall into the same ole same ole when that’s what your use to but learn to get use to something thing else. God is right there telling you to step forward but your lack of faith in God's word and the lack of faith in yourself prevents you from stepping out on faith. Instead you go back to the things that got you to this point in the first place because we know if we walk away we have to deal with the pain of leaving something or someone we love but stop looking backwards. That pain you may feel will be temporary but the joy you will feel in your soul through the healing process will grow each day and it is permanent!! So many people allow pain to alter them instead of letting the JOY alter them. How many times has God tried to get you out of your pain filled situation?? How many outs has he given you? If you look back and really pay attention we will see all the opportunities we had to learn from our pain and move forward in joy and we will see how many times we choose the wrong path. How many times have you caught your man cheating but yet you always take him back. How many times has God blessed you with a job that you didn't appreciate because you didn't think it was good enough for you! How many times have you been able to get out of the street life but you would rather live that fast life in the streets, get that fast money, always watching your back instead of letting God lead you out of that life with a normal regular 9-5 job?. You choose the fast money instead of the Godly money so you will live a fast life (literally) and a fast life usually ends in an early death or prison! How many times have you survived a beating from your abusive mate and God gave you a window to escape but you choose fear over faith! How many times has GOD placed a mirror in front of you so you can see your pain and learn from it but instead we choose to avoid the true reflection in the mirror? Stop running from your pain.. Face it, so you can change it and let that pain connect you to your JOY! If you need to leave your mate because they are hurting you on a regular basis then do it!! Yes it will hurt to leave someone you love but that hurt is good hurt,. that’s that healing pain. Just like your physical health if you have a illness you are down for a minute but once you get your medicine your body starts to heal. It’s the same with your spirit. If your spirit is sick then you have to get your "medicine" from God so you can start to heal. That pain will lead you out of the darkness and into the light. Because once you make the choice to follow God and walk away from hurt God will hold you up through the pain and show you the Joy that you deserve. The pain is only the beginning of the happiness!!